Tag Archives: Hope

2009 World AI Conference Call for Workshops

Dear Positive Change Core Colleagues

On behalf of Dr. David Cooperrider, Honorary Conference Chairman, we are pleased to announce the 2009 World Appreciative Inquiry Conference, which will be held November 16-19, 2009 in Kathmandu, Nepal at the Soaltee Crowne Plaza Hotel.

In addition to the in-person conference in Kathmandu, Nepal, an Online Conference will also encircle the globe with hundreds of individuals participating virtually.  As such, you have an opportunity to participate in multiple ways either in person in Nepal, online, or both! Learn more about the conference at: http://www.2009worldaiconference.org

As David comments: Why Nepal? This small but extraordinary country represents a region where Appreciative Inquiry has taken root in dozens of nationwide programs, empowering its citizens–including tens of thousands of women from over 100 ethnicities. I cannot imagine a more appropriate or inspiring setting for us to come together as a community of practitioners and scholars to learn from each other and advance the field of strength-based work together. With this setting serving as our inspiration, we will explore the cutting edge work being done around the world in Appreciative Inquiry and other strength- based methodologies that we can take the positive revolution for change to the next level together! I hope to see you there!

We are currently inviting workshop proposals for the conference, both for in-person and virtual workshops. We are looking for workshops that are rich in example, interactive and engaging, and which illustrate the most innovative use of Appreciative Inquiry and other strength based change approaches to meet the pressing needs of our communities, governments, civil society organizations, and businesses. The conference workshops are an excellent way to bridge theory and practice and are a powerful way to share your work with organizational leaders, managers, change agents, designers, and innovators from all over the world!

Full details about the call for workshop proposals are available at:

Please share the vision of your workshop by using the on-line easy submit form at: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/survey.zgi?p=WEB228S9JLRNUP

The deadline for submissions is April 30, 2009.

For more information on the overall conference agenda and exciting opportunities for co-sponsorship, please visit the conference website at: http://www.2009worldaiconference.org/ or contact: info@2009worldAIconference.org

Finally, please feel free to send the Call for Workshops to people you know. We thank you in advance for your help in identifying the kind of work the whole world should hear about!

Lindsey N. Godwin, Ph.D.
2009 World AI Conference Co-Chair
Assistant Professor of Management
College of Business
Morehead State University

(Sue James, one of our PCC members, is also on the International Advisory Board for the 2009 World AI Conference.)

Articles and Publications

We are always looking for articles and publications that relate to Positive Change Core and our work.

Please contact us if you feel you have a resource that belongs here. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy reading the resources below.

  • Word document) Flourishing Canton– Canton Ohio – read what happens when a group of intergenerational citizens in June 2006 together with the Positive Change Core go back to the future, and rediscover (and begin to realize) the flourishing city Canton once was – reprinted with permission from AI Practitioner
  • (PDF) Life Long Learning and Education ‘On the Road to Finding Out’ – explores possibilities for individual and educational transformative positive change through lifelong learning and lifelong education. reprinted with permission from AI Practitioner please note this is a very large file so may take time to download

Stories – Yours and Ours

“How can we partner and support education and youth communities with Appreciative Inquiry and other Strength based practices?”

The Positive Change Core story is the coming together of a group of stories, people and conversations. We invite you to enjoy some of them below.

Our Story:

Founder, Dr Marjorie Schiller: It started with a big bang, literally. In NY on September 11, 2001, Dr. Marge Schiller met 3 year old Rachel in NY “I learned that my images of hope are the voices of children“. The experience shifted her from working with executives, corporations and government agencies to children and education communities. “I can think of no more important work…” The story continues to evolve – You can read more of Marjorie’s story here.

We invite you to join us, make stories with us, and/or contribute stories of your own, too!

Thank you for being part of PCC!

Join Us

As a collaborative community we are always looking to connect with those who also wish to, or already do, serve youth and education communities.

There are many ways to join us. These include:

  • Partnering with the Positive Change Core: A leading provider of innovative services for the transformation of educational communities and systems, our mission is to partner with schools and youth to build on the best of what already exists and create the brightest, most imaginative future possible. We are dedicated to producing rapid, sustainable, contagious transformation.
    • If you wish to explore an opportunity to bring our services and skills to elevate your education or youth community please contact PCC for a conversation by email PCC Founder, Marge Schiller, P.h.D: margeschiller”AT”yahoo.com [please replace “AT” with @]
  • This Website: contributing in the form of comments, and stories and sharing of resources. Keeping us updated on relevant events, stories and so forth.
  • PCC Daily Listserve – A daily digest with emails from and to our community sharing knowledge, questions and resources. By placing your name on our moderated list serve, you will receive announcements, reminders, follow up notes, and requests from other PCC members to your email account. 
  • Monthly Phone Calls
    • PCC members are invited to call into an audio-conference phone number to share what’s exciting, successes, tools, and requests for help. Our phone call is scheduled for the SECOND Monday of each month at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. The phone number is 508-995-6619 pin 102. If you are on the PCC list serve, you will receive a reminder each month. We hope you will be able to join us in our ongoing conversation.

We also host monthly topic calls with experts – find out more in our events section.


This category is intended to share resources: articles, knowledge, links to websites etc that are relevant to the Positive Change Core community – which includes you, our visitor on this site.

As we evolve this section please feel free to contribute your resources. We are passionate about sharing knowledge and hope this site will become a resource bank and catalyst for positive change in the education and youth community change.

Resources include information on strength based practice, knowledge and stories, Appreciative Inquiry, education and youth systems and more.

Please enjoy our stories, links and articles resources.
If you have any resources you would like to share please contact us.