Tag Archives: Interview

How Appreciative Inquiry Makes a Difference in Education

Marge and JoyceRecently the Inquiry Institute conducted an interview with Marge Schiller and Joyce Lemke, two of our well-known PCC members.

Between them, Marge and Joyce have conducted 15 Education focused Appreciative Inquiry Summits, ranging from 50-700 participants.

In this conversation they discuss some of what they have learned and the importance of strength-based schools.

You can listen to the podcast here. (24 minutes)  If you are interested in strength-focused approaches in schools, it will be very well worth your time! 🙂


Interview with Christina O’Guinn

by Patreece Thompson

Patreece: Thank you so much Christina for the opportunity to speak with you about Youth in the Middle, (YiM) a pilot program that seeks to address youth development from holistic and systemic perspectives. We would like to learn a little about you. What inspired you to become involved with the  YiM Program?

Christina:  I was a former teacher for the 5th and 6th grades. Then I obtained my Masters in Education in Instructional Technology and curriculum design and later was involved as a program manager for NASA and The Tech Museum in STEM education – (STEM is an acronym for “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”).

I became interested in schools and reform. Through my network, I became connected with YiM because I wanted to be:  a. more in touch with school reform, b. in touch with schools that are doing the work of reform, c. in situations to think about school as a system.

(Read Christine’s Bio)

Patreece: As I understand it, this program started as a conversation between John W. Gardner former, Secretary of HEW during LBJ administration, and Dr. Milbrey McLaughlin, professor of education and public policy. What is a community school? How did Kennedy School come to be chosen for this “pilot”?

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Marge Schiller, PhD, Founder of PCC

This is the first in a series of interviews with the founders and members of Positive Change Core (PCC) to create a mosaic of relationship, perspectives, and reflections of their experience.

On Friday, February 5, 2020 Patreece Thompson interviewed PCC Founder, Marge Schiller, PhD.

Patreece: What are the images of hope that have evolved since PCC emerged from the ashes of 911?

Marge:  It is clearer than ever before that the universal, multicultural image of hope is in children. We see it now in Haiti that what affects and moves us to action is the hope we see in their eyes.

What is remarkable about children is their purity, their deep connection to what is best in us as humans.  They show us love, hope, and joy.

Patreece: As you are speaking, I’m remembering the picture of the young Haitian boy pulled out of the rubble left by the earthquake, raising his hands in victory, despite the ordeal he had just gone through.

Marge:  Yes, Children ARE victorious…

Patreece: What are some high points for you in PCC creating a culture where the strength of children are uplifted and expanded?

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