Tag Archives: Stories

Congratulations Canton

Last year, Positive Change Core worked with Canton, Ohio to create an intergenerational ‘Leap Of Learning’ – “Flourishing Canton”. Can a rush belt community flourish in the 21st Century?

Part of the Leap of Learning’s outcome were 3 core strategies to achieve a Flourishing Canton, driven by the community, in particular its young people.

Flourishing Canton Design Phase

We want to take the time to say congratulations for realizing your strategies! To see what they are doing, visit their website: Act 3 CantonTeens Working for Teens to Actively Create a better Tomorrow“.

It has been a privilege to work with you!
You can read more about the Positive Change Core Leap Of Learning Process with Canton, Ohio in our ‘stories’ section.

Join Us

As a collaborative community we are always looking to connect with those who also wish to, or already do, serve youth and education communities.

There are many ways to join us. These include:

  • Partnering with the Positive Change Core: A leading provider of innovative services for the transformation of educational communities and systems, our mission is to partner with schools and youth to build on the best of what already exists and create the brightest, most imaginative future possible. We are dedicated to producing rapid, sustainable, contagious transformation.
    • If you wish to explore an opportunity to bring our services and skills to elevate your education or youth community please contact PCC for a conversation by email PCC Founder, Marge Schiller, P.h.D: margeschiller”AT”yahoo.com [please replace “AT” with @]
  • This Website: contributing in the form of comments, and stories and sharing of resources. Keeping us updated on relevant events, stories and so forth.
  • PCC Daily Listserve – A daily digest with emails from and to our community sharing knowledge, questions and resources. By placing your name on our moderated list serve, you will receive announcements, reminders, follow up notes, and requests from other PCC members to your email account. 
  • Monthly Phone Calls
    • PCC members are invited to call into an audio-conference phone number to share what’s exciting, successes, tools, and requests for help. Our phone call is scheduled for the SECOND Monday of each month at 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. The phone number is 508-995-6619 pin 102. If you are on the PCC list serve, you will receive a reminder each month. We hope you will be able to join us in our ongoing conversation.

We also host monthly topic calls with experts – find out more in our events section.


This category is intended to share resources: articles, knowledge, links to websites etc that are relevant to the Positive Change Core community – which includes you, our visitor on this site.

As we evolve this section please feel free to contribute your resources. We are passionate about sharing knowledge and hope this site will become a resource bank and catalyst for positive change in the education and youth community change.

Resources include information on strength based practice, knowledge and stories, Appreciative Inquiry, education and youth systems and more.

Please enjoy our stories, links and articles resources.
If you have any resources you would like to share please contact us.

Leap of Learning

A “Leap Of Learning” (LOL) is what we call our facilitated process. Typically, it is in the form of a 2 day conversation/summit co-created by us and the community that invites us. For instance, our most recent LOL, in Canton, Ohio, USA, was a collaboration with Canton’s young leadership and Stark County Educators and Positive Change Core (PCC).

As you know your community best, all LOL’s focus are driven by you and are designed to respond to the topics and challenges facing your community. Canton’s choice, for instance, was to Create “Bold Strategies” for a “Flourishing Canton”. (You can read more about the Canton LOL here in our Story section)

A key innovation in PCC’s process is that youth are always present in the conversation. As many of us adults have seen, their participation and involvement has far enriched the dialogue and outcomes. An example: a debate begun over which of the two successful young leadership programs operating in a community should be axed. A 15year old man listened quietly and then asked: If we have enough resources, is there a reason why there can’t be two? The debate fell silent.

Needless to say, that community still has two great leadership programs.

Intrigued? To find out more about hosting a Leap Of Learning to grow what’s best in your youth and/or education organization or community, simply contact us and start the conversation.

We look forward to leaping together!


There have been civilizations that did not use the wheel, but there are no civilizations that did not use story.
(Ursula Le Guin)

Stories are more powerful and memorable than facts

Story and conversation are at the heart of PCC strength based practices and processes.

We invite and encourage you to share your stories of your work or experiences related to PCC or working with the youth and education system. You might also be someone who has participated in our processes.

An example of stories from within the PCC can be found here. For instance, Canton’s Story, or Living Values Education at Aventura School.

In the meantime you may want to read the story of how the PCC was founded. (PDF document)

Whoever you are we look forward to the possibility of sharing your story on line – be it in written, digital storytelling, or art form (or any other way you can think of).

We’d love to hear from you!


We are always in the process of hosting new ‘Leap of Learnings’ and other community conversations. We also have a variety of ongoing events and ways to connect with our community and learn with us:

Leap Of Learnings – Past Leap of Learnings have included a community conversation in Canton Ohio, June 12 & 13th 2006. Outcomes included creating 3 Bold Strategies that Promote a Flourishing Canton – that are currently being realised by the community. To read more about Canton and other ‘Leap of Learnings’ visit our stories section.Â

If you are interested in support in hosting such a conversation in your community please contact us.

Monthly Topic Calls: The PCC sponsors facilitated Topic Calls with subject matter experts. Most recently the 2006-2007 series hosted Parker J. Palmer, Ph.D, the prominent writer, teacher and activist, discussing the Center for Courage and Renewal and subjects ranging from contemplation to community, the inner life to public life, and education to social change. 100 people participated in this call. Other calls have  included Tricia S. Jones, Ph.D. from Temple University, College of Education, Department of Psychological Studies on The Conflict Resolution Education in Teacher Education (CRETE) Project — a collaboration between organizations to educate pre-service teachers in conflict education.  CRETE addresses two crises in contemporary urban education and teacher attrition.

To join topic calls please email Steven N. Pyser, J.D: steve”AT”thedialogue.net  [please replace: “AT” with @ symbol]

Daily listserv – A daily digest with emails from and to our community sharing knowledge, questions and resources.  By placing your name on our moderated list serve, you will receive announcements, reminders, follow up notes, and requests from other PCC members to your email account.