Tag Archives: Youth

Voices of Learners October 12-16, 2009

The week of October 12 is going to be different this year.  For an entire week, the eyes of Stark County citizens will turn to schools and youth.

The spotlight will shine on students and teachers, youth organizations and schools that are flourishing, that use their strengths to accomplish great things, and to make a difference in their communities.

PCC is co-sponsoring with the Stark County Educational Service Center an event that is not like anything Stark County has seen before.  Students, teachers, community leaders, parents, and visitors from near and far will convene conversations about excellence.

  • October 12 and 16 will be devoted to field site visits around Stark County and northeast Ohio
  • October 13 is the celebration kick-off at the new and beautiful GlenOak High School in Plain Local Schools
  • October 14 will be at the Timken Senior High School Campus, where students’ graduation rates and achievement are leaping upward
  • October 15 will be at Stark State College, a day to congratulate local schools of higher education for their many contributions to our community and our young people

Sound intriguing? We hope so!

If you’re from Stark County, we need you, your students and staff to help finalize our plans, nominate your outstanding programs, and to come join us as we explore teaching and learning in hands on, intergenerational groups.  It will be fun, join us – you’ll be glad you did!

And to those of you elsewhere in the world, please “Watch This Space”.

We’ll be posting some updates to share our journey with you between now and October – and we know we’ll have lots of news to share with you after the event!

Voices Of Learners Registration Form

Please email Joyce Lemke or call her on 330-705-0793 if you you have any questions or would like further information.

2008 Annual Positive Change Core Meeting

Thank you to everyone who participated on March 1, 2008 in Deerfield, FL either in person at the Hampden Inn or virtually. This was an extraordinary meeting for PCC. We acknowledged that we are at a critical crossroad in our evolution. We have a rich history of working with school communities that want to change direction to using positive approaches with youth. The experience in our membership attests to the strong commitment and significant skills that we can continue to provide. Our chaordic design products are withstanding tests of use in multiple environments.

We decided that it is time to move forward in a direction that will support an involved international community of people who recognize the fundamental value of investment in the quality and experience our youth in educational and developmental arenas. Our Lead Learner product is on schedule and we expect a 2008 publication. Other publications are in progress and we established 2008 production goals.

We embraced the objectives of the International Education Conference and will support organizational activities.

Positive Change Core will move forward throughout 2008. We will embrace new opportunities, explore innovation, and emerge as an energetic and engaging beacon for positive approaches with youth in education and other organizations.

April 15 2008 – A Foundation

In this meeting, we made critical structural decisions and set a path for the future.

I. Updates on Current Activities

Structural Definition

  • PCC will pursue a single social business entity. The social business will be an LLC-B. The structure will be broad enough to include international personnel and activities. Currently, there is a core of active people, primarily in the US, but the span of interest and collaboration is global. For example, the business should accommodate products and services performed in Australia. The implications of an international business are under review.
  • From the international perspective, a quick web-glance indicates that social businesses may exist, but not prominently.
  • The nature of the business is a ‘relationship broker’. PCC will connect positive change activities to funding, services, and tools. It will promote and support collaborations. The business design enables measurement of impact and reach of positive approaches in schools and youth organizations.
  • Income from the business will support the activities of PCC in schools, communities, and youth organizations.


  • PCC is exploring incorporation as an LLC in Florida, Illinois, and Washington. The business will pursue a B designation, institutionalizing commitment to act in the best interests of current/past employees, the environment, stakeholders, and the locations in which we operate.
  • We know that the B designation is OK in Washington.
  • At the end of the fiscal year, the LLC will not have a profit, however a reasonable contingency account is appropriate.
  • A key factor in determining the state for incorporation is cost.

Board of Directors

  • We have a list of potential members of the board of directors. We will determine the number and composition based on a structure of roles and responsibilities (board, management, employees, and contractors).
  • PCC members on the call are candidates for the board.


  • PCC will not pursue a new not-for-profit (NFP) incorporation. However, research into the description and status of the current Delaware incorporation will enable a decision to drop or maintain the Positive Change Corps name.
  • We determined that the primary reason for keeping a NFP is to apply for grants. However, our role is to connect schools and youth organizations with funders. We are not their competitors.
  • We will choose to amend the existing DE incorporated name to DBA Positive Change Core  if the cost is reasonable. If the cost is high, we will not maintain the DE incorporation.

II. Funding

  • PCC has about $100 in its account. We need to identify startup costs, such as incorporation, virtual meeting services, and website.
  • A recommendation to establish an a $200 fee was made. We will review this suggestion when startup cost research has been completed.

III. Deferred Topics:

  • 2009 Canton Gathering (Joyce)
    • Status
    • What are the support needs from PCC?
  • What else should we be focusing on to redefine PCC?
  • There is a lot more to do.
  • International Education Conference and Current status of Core Team

IV. Next Steps for Next Meeting: May 20, 2008 at 6:00pm EDT

  • Incorporation (Gina and Shelia). Research and make final recommendations for incorporation. Recommendation should include: state, type of tax structure (LLC-B), and determination of existing DE corporation.
  • Board of Directors (Shelia and Gina). Shelia will develop draft roles and responsibilities. Gina will consolidate lists of potential candidates for further review.
  • Startup Costs (All). Shelia will present three options for virtual meeting services. Key factors include services, participant load, and cost. Gina and Shelia will identify cost of incorporation as part of their recommendation. Shelia will identify costs associated with the PCC website. Everyone is invited to recommend items that will be necessary to begin our business. Please email Shelia and Gina (symcats@msn.com and Hinrichs@geneseo.net)

Moving Forward Innovatively

Positive Change Core is moving forward in a striking new direction. We are reviewing business structures to optimize our opportunities to link schools and youth organizations to funders, tools, and resources to support introduction and utilization of positive approaches.

Our excitement is building with every decision! We aren’t ready to announce our new look but we want you to know that PCC recognizes increasing global and national awareness of positive approaches and related activities in schools and youth organizations. We are ready to support and encourage and and, soon, we will have the structure to make things happen…in BIG ways.

Join us as we make our journey. Follow our progress on our website.

Charting The Future

March 19, 2008 Meeting Notes

This meeting represents the fundamental and foundational discussions towards a restructure.

I.  Identify next steps: PCC Structure

What is the appropriate tax structure to support a social business?

  • Two organizations (Not-for-Profit and For-Profit) with separate tax structures included under an umbrella. This will enable the Not-for-Profit to pursue grants (local emphasis per project and national for more universal activities) and gifts. Each entity is dynamic: multiple satellites using a common official address and contact. Question: How do we structure the umbrella entity?
  • Not-for-Profit will focus on projects such as summits
  • For-Profit will develop products (publications, manuals, workbooks, etc.) with authors,  and deliver meeting and training support services
  • Gina will investigate business structure as LLC. What are the costs?
  • Shelia shared information about corporations, LLC-B, that are designed to meet rigorous standards for human services, the environment, and financial support for local communities.

To create a social business, what is the problem that we are trying to solve?

  • Individuals and organizations are looking for options for positive approaches with youth (Seekers)
  • Individuals and organizations engaged in efforts to use positive approaches want information about successful experiences to assess potential use in their organizations (Engagers)
  • Seekers and Engagers desire training and support services to increase knowledge and guide their activities
  • Communication across whole systems and communities of Seekers and Engagers is essential. This communication can be virtual or terrestrial (in a room). Organizers and coordinators of change activity often lack the skill, resources, and time to manage the myriad types and forms of communication available to them.
  • Cost of forming business and acquiring tools will be built into the financial plan. Investors will be repaid from profit. Costs include: Virtual meeting support tools: Microsoft LiveMeeting (preferred) @ $600 /year; website development and maintenance; publication channel ($7 each @ 200 copies)

What are the products/services that will solve the problem?

  • Products: publishing – books, manuals
  • Services: training, virtual/terrestrial meeting support

Board reconstitution: Who do we need? What resources are necessary?

  • Shelia will gather names of current board members

II.  What is our business plan?

  • Timeline
  • Finances
  • Marketing

III. What is the status of our current product list?

Lead Learner Manual

  • Gina and Nancy are currently working on Section 3.
  • Prepare hardcopy book and a download
  • Working on $15 strategy

Lead Learner Training

  • Gina and Nancy will conduct a pre-conference training session in June 2009 at the Canton gathering

Marge/Joyce book

  • Joyce ahs reviewed completed work and is pleased with product.
  • Book is 2/3 completed

IV.  What else should we be focusing on to redefine PCC?

  • There is lots more to do.

V.  International Education Conference

  • Current status of Core Team – Deferred

Flourishing Canton

Below please find the story of Canton Ohio’s Leap of Learning “Flourishing Canton” in partnership with the Positive Change Core. You can see more of the results at their ACT3 website here. The workbook and other information is available here.

Flourishing Canton Bears Fruit

Can a rust belt community flourish in the early 21st century?

A committed group of intergenerational citizens of Canton, Ohio are convinced that it can! Using the Positive Change Core Leap of Learning approach, a community came together in June 2006 to create bold strategies that will contribute to the flourishing of Canton. The conversation was a success, with 3 Bold Strategies Designed and energized youth and adult leaders are reaching out to the broader community to develop:

  • A youth center ‘for teens by teens’
  • A Hometown Canton scholarship program to reduce ‘brain drain’, and
  • A Youth City Council to advise the Canton City Council on matters impacting all Canton citizens.

Stories – Yours and Ours

“How can we partner and support education and youth communities with Appreciative Inquiry and other Strength based practices?”

The Positive Change Core story is the coming together of a group of stories, people and conversations. We invite you to enjoy some of them below.

Our Story:

Founder, Dr Marjorie Schiller: It started with a big bang, literally. In NY on September 11, 2001, Dr. Marge Schiller met 3 year old Rachel in NY “I learned that my images of hope are the voices of children“. The experience shifted her from working with executives, corporations and government agencies to children and education communities. “I can think of no more important work…” The story continues to evolve – You can read more of Marjorie’s story here.

We invite you to join us, make stories with us, and/or contribute stories of your own, too!

Thank you for being part of PCC!